In generally English in Chile is so deficient in some aspects, like the fact that always in all the schools the teachers focus only in the grammar and forget the spoken english, the flowing of it and the most of the school never give you books in english to study and learn, because of aaaall these things in Chile, the level of english is low.
In my personal experience with the english in the university, i consider that it´ve a low level, not because the teachers, because in the university you have too much matters to study, and the students see english like a boring and dispensable subject, but the most influential aspect is the fact that we, like the people that we´re, we don´t need the english in a imperative form, we don´t need it to eat, to understand some thing, because in generally the poeple of Chile don´t travel at the outlands to much, the english in the present how i said, is dispensable for us.
I had english in the Universidad del Desarollo and U. of Chile, the level in a scale of 1 at 10, the university of development is in a 3 and U. of Chile is in a 5. In both they don´t pass to much grammar, they focus in do guides and do some oral presentations. In the personal and taking the confessions of some people, the university has to do more oral interaction, more activities where you´ve to talk and interact with the people, not do guides, because the most of people in chile don´t need lear read english at the perfection, only know how to talk, interact and do question in the outlands, and a basic level of reading english, only to follow the instructions that some signs have.
Other thing that the teachers sometimes do is speak in spanish with the students, it´s to bad, because the students below thing only ask at the teacher in spanish, not in english. I know that too much students don´t understand when the teacher speak, i´m one of them, but, when the teacher use images or do gestures with the hands and the body, is more easy understand the spoken english.
Was a good year with english considering the hard that was the year, i enjoy english at all.
Friday, November 19, 2010
English in the University
11:24 AM — Miguel Ángel — 1 commentsSaturday, November 6, 2010
Religion, manipulation of ignorant...
4:45 PM — Miguel Ángel — 0 comments
Something that the most of the people have to have is the conviction of something divine. You could believe in god, in Buda, in the Mother Heart, in the Cosmos, in any thing that you want, but you have to believe in something to live, to give pourpose to your life. You born, you study, you grown, you get married, you work, but always believing in something divine that you can`t explain or understand, in the fund these is the engine of your life.
This property of the people in believe in something WAS and IS a way for the authority and the goberments to control the people, especially the ignorant people, and this kind of control is called for me, RELIGION.
Until immmemorial times the people had religions, and how it born? it born to the necesity of the people to explain thing that they can`t explain, something that we can`t understand. For example thousands year ago the people could not explain the fact that the sun in the day, and the moon in the night, and in Egypt for example they thought in something divine, in something that they called "RA"the god. And it god had certain attitudes that represented him, and RA will punish the acctitudes of the people that he considered bad. So, the people that invented RA, how finally find a way to explain the thing that they can`t explain, impouse the rules of RA to the other people, and with the time the people with power and money appointed themselves like the representatives of RA and his rules, so with it, the people was subject to the rules that impouse the people with money and power, the people that represented RA, the people that call this impossition RELIGION. (I put RA only like a example to try to make you the thing easier to understand the point)
Well, with these explanation now you know the origin of the religions, and if we look the actual times, we can realize that the most of the religions impouse to people rules, and it don`t matter if you don`t like the rules, if you don`t follow it you`re bad and will be rejected by the other people. It happen if you`re ignorant and believe in everything that the people show you, but if you analyse the thing you can realize that the impousition is only a way to control you, and always the people with power try to use the religions to control the people.
So, advice is, if you don`t know something and you want a explain, don`t believe in everything that the people show you, first think, analyse and next chose the thing that you want to believe.
Have a nice time. Bye-Bye
Friday, October 29, 2010
How to survive in the University
2:39 PM — Miguel Ángel — 0 commentsIn my opinion, to resolve any problem like the stress or a personal problem you always have to search inside you and find the origin of your problems, search for the origin always, not patch your problems.
Hoping for you have a nice week, farewell, Miguel Angel.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Learn while we sleep
8:16 PM — Miguel Ángel — 0 commentsExist a myth about that the people can learn things while they`re sleep, and remember it when they are awake, but it is like i said at the begining, it`s only a myth.
The idea arose in the World War II, when the people thought that spies could learn the languages and customs of other countries with this system (learn while they sleep).
Some people did some experiments with people to try to see if a person can learn in the dreams.
Summarizing all the experiments, the result tell us that learn while we sleep is a myth, exist evidence of this experiments who show that the people that was submitted at the experiments, at the next morning they remember some thing of the record that they heard when they was "sleep", but the myth is considerer a myth because remember some things of some things that you heard the last night is one thing, but learn subjects that require analysis and understanding is imposible if we`re sleep, because of that "learn while we sleep" is a myth.
Now, in my opinion and basing in my knowledge, when we`re sleep, in a deep sleep our consciusness is gone, but our senses are awake always in the most of people, so, in our dream we could receive some stimulies of the environment we`re sleeping and these stumulies could change our dream, but nothing more, meaby we can remember our dream in the morning, but nothing more. Like i said, if we are in a deep sleep, our consciusness is gone, and because of that we can`t do analysis of subjects or have a decent level of understanding, so try to learn some subject is practically imposible. Is better study when we`re awake and stop to find a easy method for everything.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A healthy Lifestyle, is it possile?
8:48 AM — Miguel Ángel — 0 commentsA healthy Lifestye doesn`t means stop eat or go to the GYM every days, a healthy lifestyle means have a balance in your life, physically and psychologically. And how can we achieve it? We only need a strong mind.
Let`s start talking about the food. The food is a big problem for a healthy lifestyle, especially in these times, whereever you go, you have a fast food local, they`re tasty and FAST like her name say. Now, how can we avoid this locals? We only need a strong mind. Is true that cook every days our lunch is soooo boring for some people, including me, but the fact of eat in McDonalds or something like that is only our mistake. I understand that some people don`t have time for cook but, if you have the time to go to the Mcdonald, you also could go to an alternative local food where the difference of prices with the fast food locals isn`t to much, meaby a little more expensive that McDonald but 100% more healthy, this food take a little more time in be ready but the benefits at your body are awesome. Oooh!! Now that i remember, exist another important factor, such important like eat healthy food is eat at the right time, if you have to lunch in the lunchtime do it, but don`t eat in middle of the eat`s times.
In summary if you want have a healthy lifestyle you need a strong mind to sacrifice a few of your time and your money in change of a better life.
Now, let`s pass to he Physical exercices, you don`t need do exercices every days, you only need a little dose of 2 or 3 hours of Monday at Friday. But exist a problem, the time, always the exuse of the time, if we have time to sit in our sofa and watch T.V, we have time to do some exercice too. I admit that the most of the exercices are boring, but you could take a course of something where you`ll some exercices and will have a good time, mmmh for example kickboxing, football etc... And if you really don`t have time in the day for noone of this things is because you are a workaholic and it suck.
The last thing is a mental healthy, and how can we get it? I really don`t know, y only have some advices for you, for example, "If you have something to say, never keep it inside you, or it will destroy you" another is "you never have to live at expenses of the opinion of others, life your ouwn life", this advices will bring you mental peace. Again, to do it you need a strong mind if you want get a better quality of life.
This is all, enjoy you week. ^.-
Monday, October 4, 2010
A glorius moment in my chilhood
2:02 PM — Miguel Ángel — 0 comments
I think that everyone have almost one good rememer of his chilhood, the first time that we ride in bike, the first love, a birthday, etc... I have these moments too, but i remember a particular moment in my chilhood that teach me something valuable...The reward of effort.
The history beggin when i had meaby 12 or 14 years old in the school. I dind`t was a very good student at that time, my GPA was between 58-60, and it didn`t care me, but one day i see in a mall, a playstation 1. Leater i was fascinated with it, but no one could buy it, because the price and my parents did not pleased me every caprice that i had.(Now i thank them because of that)
Sooooo, because of my parents didn`t want buy me the playstation i was very ungry >:( because i loved it too much, i beg them aaaaaall the days but they always told me the same "we`re not going to buy you it, because you haven`t done any merit". One day i tried to convince my parents that if i made my bed every days for a looong time they will bought me the playstation, they told me "-Okay, but we`re going to change your condition, if you have a GPA of 64, we`re going to bought you the playstation-" i was in shock O.O , happy by a side because they had accept my deal, but worried by the other side because have a 64...afff it`ll be sooooo difficult.
At the beggining i studied a lot, i was motivated at all. My grades were started to be better, the days, weekends and months passed, and the day of the delivery notes comes. My final grade was, a 61. I was in shock again, all my effort and a 61. My fathers...they felt hurt because of me, they knew how much i had studied, i beg them again but they told me "-The deal is a 64, very little things are achieved at the first attempt, tried again the next year-".
Now, i was very very ungry, -fucking effort- i said. But i wanted the playstation too much, with aaaaaall my soul, so i tried it again. 1 year passed and in the delivery notes...I remember all the secuence of the things that happened, we were in circle, and the teacher was screaming the GPA of everyone, my heart was at the maximum, the failure of the first time had me scared, i couldn`t support a failure again, i couldn`t... So, while i was thinking in the concecuences of a failure, i heard my name, all the voices of my classmates disappeared and i only heard the voice of the teacher, it was direct and bluntly, a son off a bi...64. I stand up of my chair and i kneel and scream, -Gooooood !!! Goooood!!!-, i won finally my playstation i was very happy, the feelling of win something that you had effort a lot is amazing and special. The lesson was the if you have a goal you have to effort at the max. and not always the reward come at the first attempt.
Bye-Bye and don`t forget post because i`ll in your posts.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
About the Couraje
2:11 PM — Miguel Ángel — 0 comments
Write about somethink that i like is good, but write about something that could be usefull for the one that read better. In this case is about the couraje, and what kind of couraje?, the one that you use to do the thing that you want to do.
Everyone knows that lack of couraje, the shame and the indecicion are defects that everyone have, and we know the concecuences of that too...impotency, hate ourselves, depresion, meaby the feeling of be empty...Who know what else. All this defects are summarized in the lack of couraje, How?, it`s simple, for example, a classical case; a guy who wants to dance ballet, but of course he knows the concecuences if he take his decicion, mockeries, banneds, etc... The society is like. He could blames it and don´t fulfill his dreams, take the other way that he don`t want and live the rest of his life feeling impotency, hate himself, but ironically always with the excuse that "the society don´t let me be". Nobody forces you take the bad way, obiusly you`ll have some problems with some people but is better than live at the expense of the opinion of others. Exist a reality that you probably know, the fact that we don´t know the thing that we have until we lose it. So we could think that doesn`t exist solution at the problem, but WAIT A MOMENT!! We have the example of a million of people that took the bad way, now you can´t say that you was not warned. The solution is the same that everyone need when we are shamed for the music that we hear, the same solution that we need when we force ourselves doing things that we really don´t want to do, but we also do for the fear of the outside opinion. The solution is the COURAJE, have the couraje of accept the outside criticizes and take your own decicion, have the couraje of take the insecure way that everyone tell you that you don`t have to take, but even so you want to take. Meaby you think that it`s easy to say, but not to do. And you`re right. It`s not easy have couraje, all of us have it, but a few find it. I don`t tell you how to find the couraje because i don`t know, but i can tell you how to find it by yourself, you only have to stop for a moment and think about the concecuence of the million of people that took the way absent of couraje and think if you want it for you too...i think that nobody want it, include you. This is all, my only advice.
I don`t have nothin more to say, meaby only that you could read a poem of Jorge Luis Borges called "Instantes", meaby this poem can make you think about some things.
I enclose you a link to make you the things easier.
Hope was of help, Maikelangelo.
Have a Coooooool day.
Friday, July 9, 2010
My Blogging Experience
1:37 PM — Miguel Ángel — 2 commentsTheee blogs...I like them because they´re relaxed classes, and is perfect for a friday, we´re tired and we only want to do nothing, and do blogs is like it. I don´t want to say that we don´t do nothings in the blogs, but these is a class where we don´t have tu put atention for learn, and for the schedule this is perfect.
For me do blogs is not much complicated, i have a normal base and this is usefull and make me more easy do the blogs, and when you are good in something this is funny for you too. At the beginning i thought that do blogs, they are not going to be usefull to me, but blog after blog i did my english more fluid and i could expres my ideas in englis to much better. The diversity of blog´s Themes was funny and interesting, themes about the career, the life and the disasters too. Always is useffull have themes like that, to know the opinion of your own classemates, and your own opinion too.
About the grammar, i learn some new words, and i realized that i committed some mistakes, i corrected some of thems, but anothers i´m sure that i will commit them again, but well....i´m not perfect...yet.xD
I hope that i have to do new blogs in the second semester. I would have liked listen music with speakers, but it couldn´t be posibble. I would liked that you miss have teach me more about the grammar in the blogs, because this is always a difficult for me. I don´t have more to say i think, meaby only that the dammit schedule and the place where we do english is the problem here, nothing more, the guys were funny and i have a good time this semester in english.
I don´t have a facebook, and this thing about posting is new for me, and really, this is not much funny how the people say, but is interesting. By other waayyy... The blogs was usefull for use more quickly the keyboard.
Like recommendation, i can tell that do blogs is usefull, they help you to write better in english, meaby we´ve to write and redact in english in the future, and have been practice doing blog propably could help us.
Nothing more to say, have a satisfactory and honest life.
Friday, July 2, 2010
A ideal Job
1:20 PM — Miguel Ángel — 1 commentsIf i have the possibility to work in a place that i can choose, i would choose work with artist or deportists, because in the clinic visits i realized that i don´t like work with kids or old people, i preffer work in a place where i can rehabilitate people who work for example like dancer, a marcial artist or this kind of people, because i like the idea of reahabilitate this kind of people that i know that have a dream and a pasion. This election probably will guide me for the Traumatology side, or meaby for the sport side, the diference between traumatology and the sport people is that in the sport side i have to be and travel together the people that do sports or arts, and in traumatology i will be in a static place like hospitals or clinics.
I like travel and move around many places, but if i´m going to have a family, this kind of ritm propably would bring me problems, but for personal satisfaction y preffer the sport side. In the other way stay in a static place would bring me more stability but the routine will bother me.
About the boss...mmmh., i ´ve to be realistic, a boss that give me salary increases and treat me good is 1 in 1 million. I only want a boss that don´t think that his position is merit to criticize unfairly at his staff.
About the hours, i would like to enter my work at 9 or 10 am, because wake up early in the morning is dismal for me.
The contribution of working with artist and deportist i think that is important, because me how kinesiologist have the obligation of educate this kind of people about how take care of their bodies and how maximize their performance because the sports and the art are a very important in the society and world, and someone have to take care about this people, and i hope that person it me.
Aboooout the salary, i hope make about 1 million in the second year of work if i´m going to be married (Personaly i don´t want to be married in many years), because the medical insurances and this things. If i´m going to be travelling with artist and deportist that don´t do football, this is enought for me.
Friday, June 18, 2010
More than a image
6:05 PM — Miguel Ángel — 0 commentsFriday, June 11, 2010
Another form of education
1:35 PM — Miguel Ángel — 0 commentsOne day we´re going to work, and we´re going to use all the knowledge that we´ve learned in our career, anatomy, biochemical, and all the subject that we saw. This knowledge will be usefull but if we don´t know how to apply it with humanity, all the lessons learned doesn´t make sense.
Some universities have problems about the form of give values to their students, and when they finish their careers, they have the academic knowledge but ´they don´t know how to make feel good at their patients or the people that will work with them.
In medicine for example this problem goes back many years ago, when the most of the doctors saw at their patients like a problem that they have to give solution, no more. They have not values because nobody teach them.
With the time they learn to treat with the people and make them feel good. Meaby someone could think..."What difference make have values or don´t have them when you´re treating someone". But the reality is that does exist a difference, the diference that the patients feels that his recuperation is to procced with his life, to procced with his dreams and aspirations, not for recover the health and come back to the work. That is the diferrence between someone that have values and someone that does not have. A profesional with values convey the energy that the people need to recover his bodies and his aspirations.
Today the good universities teach to their students some values, for example compation and empathy to understand the pain of the people and look some ways for help thems.
Courage to opposit at the people that want make money degrading the quality of health.
One more thing that the profesionals need is culture. If a profesional only know things about his career and unknow the rest of the world, will be difficult understand the problems that are always surronding and this proffesional will be not to able to teach others about values and forms to change the world trought of education.
The only way of put an end to this cycle of ignorance is teaching at your friends, at your family and in a future at your sons.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Stereotypes of the University
1:53 PM — Miguel Ángel — 1 commentsWhen we think in a career, we think in the students of it too, and we formulate a prejudice about them, this prejudice is based in years of stereotypes that the people have been done.
For example we have in medicine a stereotype, the tipical blond and white guy wit blue eyes that study the same career of the father. The student of medicine want status and be respected for the people.
We have in nutrition the stereotype of pretty woman that is thin because she is studing a career about the diet and the aliments.
In Chemistry and Pharmacy there´re generally categorized like "nerds", this people study a lot and never do funny things like go to parties and this kind of things.
Medical Technology have the people categorized like nerds and "Geeks", these kind of people like use the PC every time, live generally in a fantastic world and they use strange terms that they understand between them. The Chemistry and Pharmacy and Medical technology guys are uglies too.
We have the career of Kinesiology, this kinds of guys are categorized like sports people, and are also cool too. xD
If we look out School of medicine, for example we have the agronomists, this people is good fot drink alcohol and are categorized like hippies too, because they made strange "pitos" with the agronomist knowledge.
Friday, May 28, 2010
My favourite subject
1:24 PM — Miguel Ángel — 5 commentsHello!!
We don´t have many subject yet, but if i have to choose one, the subject that i would choose is....Functional Anatomy.
Why?, because i like too much anatomy, the function of the parts of the body, the forms of the muscles and functional anatomy have this things and include the movement of the body and how we can work with it. I love it.
Functional anatomy is so practical, we always have a theoric class, but later, we have the practical class and is so funny too. The the theoric class is interesting but we have it at 2:30 Pm, it is after lunch and i always have sleep in the class because that.
We have functional anatomy the Thursdays. Generally the class is about the anatomy that we saw tuesday and in functional anatomy we see the movement of it. The teachers give to the class a clinical focus and in the practical class we try to apply our knowledge about anatomy in our own classmates.We practice the palpation too, because we always have to touch and determinate what structure we´re touching.
Functional Anatomy is the most important subject at the moment, because we try to work in the class like the kinesiologist work in his jobs. We work with anatomy and we touch people like the kinesiologists do. We learn how to evaluate the movement and we learn how to do a diagnostic and detect a pathology in the superficial body.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A Indispensable Web Site
10:54 AM — Miguel Ángel — 0 commentsGoogle is a great page, i admit that. But for me Grooveshark, ufff... Is a indispensable web site, because this page, give me all the music instantly that i want. Is a page that search the music that you want to listen and you´ll listen it instantly!! Is much better than Ares, and this page doesn´t have virus, later you can add the theme at your favourite songs. Grooveshark is free, have a organized structure, it make you more easy understand the system.
If you want add the songs at your favourite songs, you have to register in the page, is soooooo easy. First you´ll have to write the mail that you want register in the page, and later you have to choose a pasword. And this is all, nice and quickly.
You´ll listen your favourite music in all the computers in the world that have internet, is like have a Mp3 permanent on internet.
Grooveshark also give you references to listen the music more popular or you can search and sort by name of author, popularity, etc...And if you´re not good at english, grooveshark give you the possibility to change the language of the page, make you all more easy.
Soooo... If you want a new alternative to listen music, you´re invited.
Bye, bye Everyone !!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
My experiencie in the Heartquake (Ñuñoa)
6:35 AM — Miguel Ángel — 1 commentsI was preparing to sleep when suddenly all began to tremble, i think that it was a normal and little heartquake, but everything continue tremble and it made more and more stronger i realized that it was a great heartquake. I wasn´t afraid, in fact.... I was exited all the time. All of us ran to the gate of apartment, because it is the safer place to stay in a heartquake. The people wanted to scape but me and my mother stayed in the gate, because is more dangerous outside of department than inside.
After the hearquake, we looked the damages in the house. We only lost cups and others things, but miraculously the alcohol that fell to the grund dind´t break =O !!
We only lost the light for 2 hours. The water was flowing in the floor of all department, because the
plumbing was broken. A friend came to see me after the heartquake, and after that i went with him to his house, he dind´t have electricity, so i gave him some to recharge his things.
We dind´t lose any life, and a friend that was in Dichato had the same luck.
When we got the electricity back, we saw the consecuently of the heartquake, and we felt fortunates after all.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
My Profession
2:53 PM — Miguel Ángel — 1 commentsHi Fans !!
Today I´m going to write about some aspects of my profession (Kinesiology) and why i choose it.
First, to become a Kinesiologist you have to know that it profession need have a certain level of charism because you´ll talk every days of your life with people, and you have to support them psychologically. By the other way, like all the profession, you have to be strong psychologically, because you can´t go and work with problems in your mind when you´re working with people.
My espectations with the profession is...can enjoy it, even if i have to work hard, but enjoy it anyway and be a mature person when i have the tittle, but overcoat i hope feel me completed after day.
The kinesiologist have to much specialties and if i have to choose one, kinesiologist on traumatology is a way, but i´m in the first year yet, and i don´t know about other specialties or what be a kinesiologist mean, but i hope with the time i can choose one.
I decided to become a kinesiologist many years ago, but i didn´t know. I always looked the movements of the people and my movements and i like think about it. When i was in the streets and i saw people that walked strange because they had problems with their bones or muscles, i felt
compassion of them, not because they was walking bad, i felt compassion because the people looked them strange and with these damn look of discrimination and shame...And i decided do something for them.
( like the massage therapy, it is other reason because i choose be a kinesiologist.)
Bye Fans, have a nice day...or night 1313
Friday, April 16, 2010
Hello !!
2:18 PM — Miguel Ángel — 0 commentsHi Fans !!
I´m Maikelangelo, your classmate. I´m going to tell you something about me. I´m studing Kinesiology, this is my First Year here. I have studied kinesiology in another university (UDD), the change was strong, in the UDD generally the people and me didn´t study hard like here, but...i´m accustoming like some poeple here.
I don´t have a hobbie yet, but i like go to the theater with my sister and mom sometime, i preffer a travel instead of a party. Ride my bike with some friends, go to pubs and drink some alcohol... and now i have my driver license and i wait all the week for drive in the weekend because it´s funny for me because i love travel.