Friday, June 11, 2010

Another form of education

One day we´re going to work, and we´re going to use all the knowledge that we´ve learned in our career, anatomy, biochemical, and all the subject that we saw. This knowledge will be usefull but if we don´t know how to apply it with humanity, all the lessons learned doesn´t make sense.

Some universities have problems about the form of give values to their students, and when they finish their careers, they have the academic knowledge but ´they don´t know how to make feel good at their patients or the people that will work with them.

In medicine for example this problem goes back many years ago, when the most of the doctors saw at their patients like a problem that they have to give solution, no more. They have not values because nobody teach them.
With the time they learn to treat with the people and make them feel good. Meaby someone could think..."What difference make have values or don´t have them when you´re treating someone". But the reality is that does exist a difference, the diference that the patients feels that his recuperation is to procced with his life, to procced with his dreams and aspirations, not for recover the health and come back to the work. That is the diferrence between someone that have values and someone that does not have. A profesional with values convey the energy that the people need to recover his bodies and his aspirations.

Today the good universities teach to their students some values, for example compation and empathy to understand the pain of the people and look some ways for help thems.
Courage to opposit at the people that want make money degrading the quality of health.

One more thing that the profesionals need is culture. If a profesional only know things about his career and unknow the rest of the world, will be difficult understand the problems that are always surronding and this proffesional will be not to able to teach others about values and forms to change the world trought of education.

The only way of put an end to this cycle of ignorance is teaching at your friends, at your family and in a future at your sons.


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