Monday, October 4, 2010

A glorius moment in my chilhood

I think that everyone have almost one good rememer of his chilhood, the first time that we ride in bike, the first love, a birthday, etc... I have these moments too, but i remember a particular moment in my chilhood that teach me something valuable...The reward of effort.
The history beggin when i had meaby 12 or 14 years old in the school. I dind`t was a very good student at that time, my GPA was between 58-60, and it didn`t care me, but one day i see in a mall, a playstation 1. Leater i was fascinated with it, but no one could buy it, because the price and my parents did not pleased me every caprice that i had.(Now i thank them because of that)
Sooooo, because of my parents didn`t want buy me the playstation i was very ungry >:( because i loved it too much, i beg them aaaaaall the days but they always told me the same "we`re not going to buy you it, because you haven`t done any merit". One day i tried to convince my parents that if i made my bed every days for a looong time they will bought me the playstation, they told me "-Okay, but we`re going to change your condition, if you have a GPA of 64, we`re going to bought you the playstation-" i was in shock O.O , happy by a side because they had accept my deal, but worried by the other side because have a 64...afff it`ll be sooooo difficult.
At the beggining i studied a lot, i was motivated at all. My grades were started to be better, the days, weekends and months passed, and the day of the delivery notes comes. My final grade was, a 61. I was in shock again, all my effort and a 61. My fathers...they felt hurt because of me, they knew how much i had studied, i beg them again but they told me "-The deal is a 64, very little things are achieved at the first attempt, tried again the next year-".
Now, i was very very ungry, -fucking effort- i said. But i wanted the playstation too much, with aaaaaall my soul, so i tried it again. 1 year passed and in the delivery notes...I remember all the secuence of the things that happened, we were in circle, and the teacher was screaming the GPA of everyone, my heart was at the maximum, the failure of the first time had me scared, i couldn`t support a failure again, i couldn`t... So, while i was thinking in the concecuences of a failure, i heard my name, all the voices of my classmates disappeared and i only heard the voice of the teacher, it was direct and bluntly, a son off a bi...64. I stand up of my chair and i kneel and scream, -Gooooood !!! Goooood!!!-, i won finally my playstation i was very happy, the feelling of win something that you had effort a lot is amazing and special. The lesson was the if you have a goal you have to effort at the max. and not always the reward come at the first attempt.

Bye-Bye and don`t forget post because i`ll in your posts.


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