Friday, July 9, 2010

My Blogging Experience

Theee blogs...I like them because they´re relaxed classes, and is perfect for a friday, we´re tired and we only want to do nothing, and do blogs is like it. I don´t want to say that we don´t do nothings in the blogs, but these is a class where we don´t have tu put atention for learn, and for the schedule this is perfect.
For me do blogs is not much complicated, i have a normal base and this is usefull and make me more easy do the blogs, and when you are good in something this is funny for you too. At the beginning i thought that do blogs, they are not going to be usefull to me, but blog after blog i did my english more fluid and i could expres my ideas in englis to much better. The diversity of blog´s Themes was funny and interesting, themes about the career, the life and the disasters too. Always is useffull have themes like that, to know the opinion of your own classemates, and your own opinion too.
About the grammar, i learn some new words, and i realized that i committed some mistakes, i corrected some of thems, but anothers i´m sure that i will commit them again, but well....i´m not perfect...yet.xD
I hope that i have to do new blogs in the second semester. I would have liked listen music with speakers, but it couldn´t be posibble. I would liked that you miss have teach me more about the grammar in the blogs, because this is always a difficult for me. I don´t have more to say i think, meaby only that the dammit schedule and the place where we do english is the problem here, nothing more, the guys were funny and i have a good time this semester in english.

I don´t have a facebook, and this thing about posting is new for me, and really, this is not much funny how the people say, but is interesting. By other waayyy... The blogs was usefull for use more quickly the keyboard.
Like recommendation, i can tell that do blogs is usefull, they help you to write better in english, meaby we´ve to write and redact in english in the future, and have been practice doing blog propably could help us.

Nothing more to say, have a satisfactory and honest life.



Anonymous said...

Thats true ! is a very relaxing class !

i really like your last words " have a satisfactory and honest life" i witch that to you to. take care michel !

Miss said...

Theee blogs...I like them because they´re relaxed classes, and is perfect for a friday, we´re tired and we only want to do nothing, and do blogs is like it. I don´t want to say that we don´t do nothings in the blogs, but these is a class where we don´t have tu put atention for learn, and for the schedule this is perfect.
For me do blogs is not much complicated, i have a normal base and this is usefull and make me more easy do the blogs, and when you are good in something this is funny for you too. At the beginning i thought that WF do blogs, they are not going to be SP usefull to me, but blog after blog i did my english more fluid and i could SP expres my ideas in SP englis to much better. The diversity of blog´s Themes SVA was funny and interesting, themes about the career, the life and the disasters too. Always is useffull have themes like that, to know the opinion of your own classemates, and your own opinion too.
About the grammar, i learn some new words, and i realized that i WW committed some mistakes, i corrected some of thems, but anothers i´m sure that i will commit them again, but well....i´m not perfect...yet.xD
I hope that i have to do new blogs in the second semester. I would have liked listen music with speakers, but it couldn´t be posibble. I would liked that you miss have WF teach me more about the grammar in the blogs, because this is always a difficult for me. I don´t have more to say i think, ?meaby only that the dammit schedule and the place where we do english is the problem here, nothing more, the guys were funny and i have a good time this semester in english.

I don´t have a facebook, and this thing about posting is new for me, and really, this is not much funny how the people say, but is interesting. By other waayyy... The blogs was usefull for use more quickly the keyboard.
Like recommendation, i can tell that WF do blogs is usefull, they help you to write better in english, meaby we´ve to write and redact in english in the future, and have been practice doing blog propably could help us.

Nothing more to say, have a satisfactory and honest life.

What do you mean by honest life? well what about the topics did you find them all interesting? which would you change?

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