A healthy Lifestye doesn`t means stop eat or go to the GYM every days, a healthy lifestyle means have a balance in your life, physically and psychologically. And how can we achieve it? We only need a strong mind.
Let`s start talking about the food. The food is a big problem for a healthy lifestyle, especially in these times, whereever you go, you have a fast food local, they`re tasty and FAST like her name say. Now, how can we avoid this locals? We only need a strong mind. Is true that cook every days our lunch is soooo boring for some people, including me, but the fact of eat in McDonalds or something like that is only our mistake. I understand that some people don`t have time for cook but, if you have the time to go to the Mcdonald, you also could go to an alternative local food where the difference of prices with the fast food locals isn`t to much, meaby a little more expensive that McDonald but 100% more healthy, this food take a little more time in be ready but the benefits at your body are awesome. Oooh!! Now that i remember, exist another important factor, such important like eat healthy food is eat at the right time, if you have to lunch in the lunchtime do it, but don`t eat in middle of the eat`s times.
In summary if you want have a healthy lifestyle you need a strong mind to sacrifice a few of your time and your money in change of a better life.
Now, let`s pass to he Physical exercices, you don`t need do exercices every days, you only need a little dose of 2 or 3 hours of Monday at Friday. But exist a problem, the time, always the exuse of the time, if we have time to sit in our sofa and watch T.V, we have time to do some exercice too. I admit that the most of the exercices are boring, but you could take a course of something where you`ll some exercices and will have a good time, mmmh for example kickboxing, football etc... And if you really don`t have time in the day for noone of this things is because you are a workaholic and it suck.
The last thing is a mental healthy, and how can we get it? I really don`t know, y only have some advices for you, for example, "If you have something to say, never keep it inside you, or it will destroy you" another is "you never have to live at expenses of the opinion of others, life your ouwn life", this advices will bring you mental peace. Again, to do it you need a strong mind if you want get a better quality of life.
This is all, enjoy you week. ^.-
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A healthy Lifestyle, is it possile?
8:48 AM — Miguel Ángel
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