Friday, July 2, 2010

A ideal Job

If i have the possibility to work in a place that i can choose, i would choose work with artist or deportists, because in the clinic visits i realized that i don´t like work with kids or old people, i preffer work in a place where i can rehabilitate people who work for example like dancer, a marcial artist or this kind of people, because i like the idea of reahabilitate this kind of people that i know that have a dream and a pasion. This election probably will guide me for the Traumatology side, or meaby for the sport side, the diference between traumatology and the sport people is that in the sport side i have to be and travel together the people that do sports or arts, and in traumatology i will be in a static place like hospitals or clinics.
I like travel and move around many places, but if i´m going to have a family, this kind of ritm propably would bring me problems, but for personal satisfaction y preffer the sport side. In the other way stay in a static place would bring me more stability but the routine will bother me.
About the boss...mmmh., i ´ve to be realistic, a boss that give me salary increases and treat me good is 1 in 1 million. I only want a boss that don´t think that his position is merit to criticize unfairly at his staff.
About the hours, i would like to enter my work at 9 or 10 am, because wake up early in the morning is dismal for me.
The contribution of working with artist and deportist i think that is important, because me how kinesiologist have the obligation of educate this kind of people about how take care of their bodies and how maximize their performance because the sports and the art are a very important in the society and world, and someone have to take care about this people, and i hope that person it me.
Aboooout the salary, i hope make about 1 million in the second year of work if i´m going to be married (Personaly i don´t want to be married in many years), because the medical insurances and this things. If i´m going to be travelling with artist and deportist that don´t do football, this is enought for me.


Anonymous said...

I like you include art in your purpose of work. I hope you can work as you like, take care michel angelo !

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