Exist a myth about that the people can learn things while they`re sleep, and remember it when they are awake, but it is like i said at the begining, it`s only a myth.
The idea arose in the World War II, when the people thought that spies could learn the languages and customs of other countries with this system (learn while they sleep).
Some people did some experiments with people to try to see if a person can learn in the dreams.
Summarizing all the experiments, the result tell us that learn while we sleep is a myth, exist evidence of this experiments who show that the people that was submitted at the experiments, at the next morning they remember some thing of the record that they heard when they was "sleep", but the myth is considerer a myth because remember some things of some things that you heard the last night is one thing, but learn subjects that require analysis and understanding is imposible if we`re sleep, because of that "learn while we sleep" is a myth.
Now, in my opinion and basing in my knowledge, when we`re sleep, in a deep sleep our consciusness is gone, but our senses are awake always in the most of people, so, in our dream we could receive some stimulies of the environment we`re sleeping and these stumulies could change our dream, but nothing more, meaby we can remember our dream in the morning, but nothing more. Like i said, if we are in a deep sleep, our consciusness is gone, and because of that we can`t do analysis of subjects or have a decent level of understanding, so try to learn some subject is practically imposible. Is better study when we`re awake and stop to find a easy method for everything.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Learn while we sleep
8:16 PM — Miguel Ángel
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