Friday, November 19, 2010

English in the University

In generally English in Chile is so deficient in some aspects, like the fact that always in all the schools the teachers focus only in the grammar and forget the spoken english, the flowing of it and the most of the school never give you books in english to study and learn, because of aaaall these things in Chile, the level of english is low.

In my personal experience with the english in the university, i consider that it´ve a low level, not because the teachers, because in the university you have too much matters to study, and the students see english like a boring and dispensable subject, but the most influential aspect is the fact that we, like the people that we´re, we don´t need the english in a imperative form, we don´t need it to eat, to understand some thing, because in generally the poeple of Chile don´t travel at the outlands to much, the english in the present how i said, is dispensable for us.

I had english in the Universidad del Desarollo and U. of Chile, the level in a scale of 1 at 10, the university of development is in a 3 and U. of Chile is in a 5. In both they don´t pass to much grammar, they focus in do guides and do some oral presentations. In the personal and taking the confessions of some people, the university has to do more oral interaction, more activities where you´ve to talk and interact with the people, not do guides, because the most of people in chile don´t need lear read english at the perfection, only know how to talk, interact and do question in the outlands, and a basic level of reading english, only to follow the instructions that some signs have.

Other thing that the teachers sometimes do is speak in spanish with the students, it´s to bad, because the students below thing only ask at the teacher in spanish, not in english. I know that too much students don´t understand when the teacher speak, i´m one of them, but, when the teacher use images or do gestures with the hands and the body, is more easy understand the spoken english.

Was a good year with english considering the hard that was the year, i enjoy english at all.


Jorge Carroza said...

Thanks, Miguel Angel, very interesting. Some things you need to check:

the most of the school...

it´ve a low level...
it HAS a low level...

you have too much matters to study...
you have too MANY MATTERS to study...

don´t travel at the outlands to much...
don´t travel ABROAD SO much...


We don't "pass" things, we teach them...

Thanks a lot,


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