Friday, November 19, 2010

English in the University

In generally English in Chile is so deficient in some aspects, like the fact that always in all the schools the teachers focus only in the grammar and forget the spoken english, the flowing of it and the most of the school never give you books in english to study and learn, because of aaaall these things in Chile, the level of english is low.

In my personal experience with the english in the university, i consider that it´ve a low level, not because the teachers, because in the university you have too much matters to study, and the students see english like a boring and dispensable subject, but the most influential aspect is the fact that we, like the people that we´re, we don´t need the english in a imperative form, we don´t need it to eat, to understand some thing, because in generally the poeple of Chile don´t travel at the outlands to much, the english in the present how i said, is dispensable for us.

I had english in the Universidad del Desarollo and U. of Chile, the level in a scale of 1 at 10, the university of development is in a 3 and U. of Chile is in a 5. In both they don´t pass to much grammar, they focus in do guides and do some oral presentations. In the personal and taking the confessions of some people, the university has to do more oral interaction, more activities where you´ve to talk and interact with the people, not do guides, because the most of people in chile don´t need lear read english at the perfection, only know how to talk, interact and do question in the outlands, and a basic level of reading english, only to follow the instructions that some signs have.

Other thing that the teachers sometimes do is speak in spanish with the students, it´s to bad, because the students below thing only ask at the teacher in spanish, not in english. I know that too much students don´t understand when the teacher speak, i´m one of them, but, when the teacher use images or do gestures with the hands and the body, is more easy understand the spoken english.

Was a good year with english considering the hard that was the year, i enjoy english at all.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Religion, manipulation of ignorant...

Something that the most of the people have to have is the conviction of something divine. You could believe in god, in Buda, in the Mother Heart, in the Cosmos, in any thing that you want, but you have to believe in something to live, to give pourpose to your life. You born, you study, you grown, you get married, you work, but always believing in something divine that you can`t explain or understand, in the fund these is the engine of your life.

This property of the people in believe in something WAS and IS a way for the authority and the goberments to control the people, especially the ignorant people, and this kind of control is called for me, RELIGION.

Until immmemorial times the people had religions, and how it born? it born to the necesity of the people to explain thing that they can`t explain, something that we can`t understand. For example thousands year ago the people could not explain the fact that the sun in the day, and the moon in the night, and in Egypt for example they thought in something divine, in something that they called "RA"the god. And it god had certain attitudes that represented him, and RA will punish the acctitudes of the people that he considered bad. So, the people that invented RA, how finally find a way to explain the thing that they can`t explain, impouse the rules of RA to the other people, and with the time the people with power and money appointed themselves like the representatives of RA and his rules, so with it, the people was subject to the rules that impouse the people with money and power, the people that represented RA, the people that call this impossition RELIGION. (I put RA only like a example to try to make you the thing easier to understand the point)

Well, with these explanation now you know the origin of the religions, and if we look the actual times, we can realize that the most of the religions impouse to people rules, and it don`t matter if you don`t like the rules, if you don`t follow it you`re bad and will be rejected by the other people. It happen if you`re ignorant and believe in everything that the people show you, but if you analyse the thing you can realize that the impousition is only a way to control you, and always the people with power try to use the religions to control the people.

So, advice is, if you don`t know something and you want a explain, don`t believe in everything that the people show you, first think, analyse and next chose the thing that you want to believe.

Have a nice time. Bye-Bye