Sunday, August 22, 2010

About the Couraje

Write about somethink that i like is good, but write about something that could be usefull for the one that read better. In this case is about the couraje, and what kind of couraje?, the one that you use to do the thing that you want to do.
Everyone knows that lack of couraje, the shame and the indecicion are defects that everyone have, and we know the concecuences of that too...impotency, hate ourselves, depresion, meaby the feeling of be empty...Who know what else. All this defects are summarized in the lack of couraje, How?, it`s simple, for example, a classical case; a guy who wants to dance ballet, but of course he knows the concecuences if he take his decicion, mockeries, banneds, etc... The society is like. He could blames it and don´t fulfill his dreams, take the other way that he don`t want and live the rest of his life feeling impotency, hate himself, but ironically always with the excuse that "the society don´t let me be". Nobody forces you take the bad way, obiusly you`ll have some problems with some people but is better than live at the expense of the opinion of others. Exist a reality that you probably know, the fact that we don´t know the thing that we have until we lose it. So we could think that doesn`t exist solution at the problem, but WAIT A MOMENT!! We have the example of a million of people that took the bad way, now you can´t say that you was not warned. The solution is the same that everyone need when we are shamed for the music that we hear, the same solution that we need when we force ourselves doing things that we really don´t want to do, but we also do for the fear of the outside opinion. The solution is the COURAJE, have the couraje of accept the outside criticizes and take your own decicion, have the couraje of take the insecure way that everyone tell you that you don`t have to take, but even so you want to take. Meaby you think that it`s easy to say, but not to do. And you`re right. It`s not easy have couraje, all of us have it, but a few find it. I don`t tell you how to find the couraje because i don`t know, but i can tell you how to find it by yourself, you only have to stop for a moment and think about the concecuence of the million of people that took the way absent of couraje and think if you want it for you too...i think that nobody want it, include you. This is all, my only advice.
I don`t have nothin more to say, meaby only that you could read a poem of Jorge Luis Borges called "Instantes", meaby this poem can make you think about some things.

I enclose you a link to make you the things easier.

Hope was of help, Maikelangelo.
Have a Coooooool day.