Friday, May 28, 2010

My favourite subject


We don´t have many subject yet, but if i have to choose one, the subject that i would choose is....Functional Anatomy.
Why?, because i like too much anatomy, the function of the parts of the body, the forms of the muscles and functional anatomy have this things and include the movement of the body and how we can work with it. I love it.
Functional anatomy is so practical, we always have a theoric class, but later, we have the practical class and is so funny too. The the theoric class is interesting but we have it at 2:30 Pm, it is after lunch and i always have sleep in the class because that.
We have functional anatomy the Thursdays. Generally the class is about the anatomy that we saw tuesday and in functional anatomy we see the movement of it. The teachers give to the class a clinical focus and in the practical class we try to apply our knowledge about anatomy in our own classmates.We practice the palpation too, because we always have to touch and determinate what structure we´re touching.
Functional Anatomy is the most important subject at the moment, because we try to work in the class like the kinesiologist work in his jobs. We work with anatomy and we touch people like the kinesiologists do. We learn how to evaluate the movement and we learn how to do a diagnostic and detect a pathology in the superficial body.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Indispensable Web Site

Google is a great page, i admit that. But for me Grooveshark, ufff... Is a indispensable web site, because this page, give me all the music instantly that i want. Is a page that search the music that you want to listen and you´ll listen it instantly!! Is much better than Ares, and this page doesn´t have virus, later you can add the theme at your favourite songs. Grooveshark is free, have a organized structure, it make you more easy understand the system.

If you want add the songs at your favourite songs, you have to register in the page, is soooooo easy. First you´ll have to write the mail that you want register in the page, and later you have to choose a pasword. And this is all, nice and quickly.

You´ll listen your favourite music in all the computers in the world that have internet, is like have a Mp3 permanent on internet.

Grooveshark also give you references to listen the music more popular or you can search and sort by name of author, popularity, etc...And if you´re not good at english, grooveshark give you the possibility to change the language of the page, make you all more easy.

Soooo... If you want a new alternative to listen music, you´re invited.

Bye, bye Everyone !!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My experiencie in the Heartquake (Ñuñoa)

I was preparing to sleep when suddenly all began to tremble, i think that it was a normal and little heartquake, but everything continue tremble and it made more and more stronger i realized that it was a great heartquake. I wasn´t afraid, in fact.... I was exited all the time. All of us ran to the gate of apartment, because it is the safer place to stay in a heartquake. The people wanted to scape but me and my mother stayed in the gate, because is more dangerous outside of department than inside.

After the hearquake, we looked the damages in the house. We only lost cups and others things, but miraculously the alcohol that fell to the grund dind´t break =O !!

We only lost the light for 2 hours. The water was flowing in the floor of all department, because the
plumbing was broken. A friend came to see me after the heartquake, and after that i went with him to his house, he dind´t have electricity, so i gave him some to recharge his things.

We dind´t lose any life, and a friend that was in Dichato had the same luck.
When we got the electricity back, we saw the consecuently of the heartquake, and we felt fortunates after all.